Welcome to PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
What we do at PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
How to order from PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
Catalogue of PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
Future plans of PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
FAQ about PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
Founder of PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
Links from PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
e-mail PartAbility bespoke rehearsal CDs for choirs
Here are some links which the founder of PartAbility has found useful:

John is a full member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians

In the UK, if you want to produce a CD containing copyright material, here's where to apply

We buy most of our scores here

John can recommend this course on music theory...

...and this overview of the practice of music


In the UK, look for (or advertise) a choral concert here

This is a more general concert-finder


John sang second-bass in this choral society

John sings bass in the church choir (and also plays bass in the worship band) here

John sang bass in this drama-and-music worship performance group

John sang bass-baritone with this male-voice choir

This is a very useful site, listing many UK choirs

|Welcome| |What we do| |How to order| |Catalogue| |Future plans| |FAQ| |Founder| |Links|